Posts for "jspm"
Universal Javascript with JSPM
Oleksii RudenkoOctober 30, 2016 3:23 PM
This is a short tutorial on how to implement something similar to what next.js does using JSPM ( with server-side rendering and automatic code splitting). Inspired by next.js
Optimizing default JSPM workflow with Gulp and Nginx
Oleksii RudenkoJune 25, 2015 9:25 PM
The default JSPM workflow is slow for bigger apps. This post is about optimizing the default workflow using nginx and gulp and about making it 10x faster. Demo project included.
How to Use SystemJS hooks for building a Production Version of Your App
Oleksii RudenkoMay 5, 2015 7:55 PM
I use Ember.js and JSPM to build apps. Ember releases usually contain several files:, ember.debug.js, ember.min.js etc. Ember.debug.js is handy for development and contains some extra code that enables better development process. And is the version specifically made for production use...
Notes About Differences in Plugin Micro Syntax Between Various ES6 Module Loaders
Oleksii RudenkoMay 5, 2015 7:55 PM
I've made a small research on how various module loaders handle non-js resources and template(hbs) files in particular. I've compared three of them: Webpack, AMD/RequireJS, the one JSPM relies on and the one ember-cli uses